Overview of AMUA

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By supporting marriage and family life, especially through times of adversity, we tackle the most urgent needs challenging relationships and communities.

Our members are not all mothers, nor all women. Single, married, parents, grandparents, and young adults just beginning to express their social conscience. 

For all 4 million members what Mothers' Union provides is a network through which they can serve Christ in their own community - through prayer, financial support and actively working at the grassroots level in programmes that meet local needs.

​Our vision is of a world where God's love is shown through loving, respectful, and flourishing relationships.



  • To uphold Christ's teaching on the nature of marriage and to promote its wider understanding.
  • To encourage parents to bring up their children in the faith and life of the Church.
  • To maintain a worldwide fellowship of Christians united in prayer, worship and service
  • To promote conditions in society favourable to stable family life and the protection of children
  • To help those whose family life has met with adversity

The Mothers' Union Prayer

Loving Lord,

We thank you for your love so freely given to us all.

We pray for families around the world.

Bless the work of the Mothers' Union

as we seek to share your love through the encouragement, strengthening and support of marriage and family life.

Empowered by your Spirit, may we be united in prayer and worship, 

and in love and service reach out as your hands across the world.

In Jesus' name.
